Premier Jeremy Rockliff has announced the Liberal team he will lead to the March 23rd state election.
A field of seven candidates will contest the seat of Braddon, including the Premier himself, and sitting ministers Felix Ellis and Roger Jaensch.
Joining them in the push for five seats will be Burnie City Deputy Mayor Giovanna Simpson, Latrobe Deputy Mayor Vonette Mead, King Island councillor Sarina Laidler, and Ulverstone teacher Patrick Fabien.
The Liberal team for Lyons, which includes the Kentish Municipality, sees incumbents Guy Barnett, Jane Howlett and Mark Shelton, joined by Southerners Justin Derksen, Greg Brown and Richard Hallett, as well as Chudleigh’s Stephanie Cameron.
Women out-number men 4-3 on the Braddon ballot ticket, but candidate Giovanna Simpson says she’s not concerned with claims there’s a culture against women in the Liberal Party.